Do you need English course Makassar? English Today comes to present English course Makassar for you who work in a company; either you are an employee, a manager or a company executive. Nowadays, many companies realize the importance of Business English for their business improvement. Therefore, many companies are looking for the best Business englishcourse provider. However, there are also some companies that are not looking or joining Businees English.
There are many things being expressed when they are offered tojoin English course, such as:
- “I do not need English training. I have ever studied English at school for years.”
- “I feelbored listening to the teacher’s explanation for hours.”
- “Joining training after working hours is really tiring.”
Let’s discuss it one by one.
“I don’t need English training. I have ever studied English at school for years.”
The English that you learnt at school is different from business English that English Today gives. The English that you have ever learnt is General English that gives you vocabulary, sentence structure and other basic knowledge. While business English doesn’t only give the knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure but also your English conversation skills in business context, both written and spoken, such as presentation, negotiation, meeting, sales and marketing, telephoning and report writing. .
“I will feel bored listening to the teacher for hours.”
Most of you may think that the teacher will give explanation for hours, from the beginning of the session until the end of the session. English Today will not give such teaching. You are the star, not the teacher.
“Joining a training after working hours is really tiring.”
English Today understand how tight your working hours are. Therefore, out trainers gives the lessons interactively. You will study in an interesting way through case study, simulation, games and role plays. You will not stick with the textbook!
If you are looking for English Courses Makassar, please contact English Today. We are ready to help you.
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